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EZ Factory wins Gerard & Anton award!

In early July, the Gerard & Anton awards were again presented to the most promising start-ups from the Brainport region. Wonderful companies that received the award this year! Among the award winners was EZ Factory, located in the Twice hub Beta at the High tech Campus.

Based in hub Beta since 2019, EZ Factory has been working on an intuitive user-friendly app to solve common challenges in factories. With the EZ-GO app, a mobile solution has been developed aimed at continuous improvement in production environments. It digitizes checklists, first-line maintenance tasks and audits. In addition, the application provides the ability to set up work instructions and suggest improvements to the standard. Winning this award provides great recognition!

On the Innovation Origins site you can read an overview of all the other winners of this 2020 edition, with equally great innovations:


It's the sustainable dream, and Carbyon is working toward it. Taking CO2 directly from the atmosphere and reprocessing it into fuel. By using CO2 and green electricity as the basis for synthetic fuels, we can close the CO2 cycle, have clean energy without endangering food production or nature.


Roosh brokers parking at airports. This has not been a booming business in recent months. What then? Roosh leveraged its knowledge to develop a platform and roll it out internationally. From parking platform to online marketing agency. After all, business is business.


Offshore wind turbines are an important part of the energy transition. But also expensive and complex. Huge towers are being built, standing on the seabed. Can't we make the turbines float? No, that would blow them over ... or? The entrepreneurs behind TouchWind worked for 20 years on a technology that would make this way of generating wind energy at sea possible. Next year, the entrepreneurs hope to present their prototype.

XYZ Dynamics

The transition to electric transportation is creating excitement. The silence and clean air of recent times have made us aware once again of how polluted our cities really are. But replacing tens of thousands of vans needed for construction, transportation and services all at once is impossible. XYZ Dynamics is coming up with an upgrade. After winning a European Start-up of the year award at our event last week, the start-up from the Automotive Campus Helmond now falls in the prizes again.

Bright Photonics

Photonics is the solution, and let Eindhoven be very good at that. The jury assumes - with many in the region - that photonics will spark the same economic revolution as electronics did 50 years ago. Bright Photonics is a high-tech company for the development and design of integrated circuits based on light: Photonic Integrated Circuits, or PICs. The company has thus become - alongside previous winners Effect Photonics & Smart Photonics - an indispensable link in the value chain of inventing, designing, making and cracking.
The CEO once said in an interview, "If there is an opportunity, take advantage of it and don't waste time focusing too much on the risk." For Ronald Broeke and his team, that's paying off tonight with the Gerard and Anton Award.

Choice for Women

A contraceptive that only needs to be inserted once. It has no hormonal side effects and you can turn it on and off from a distance. It sounds almost too good to be true. In our developed world, 1 in 5 children are still born unwanted, with dire consequences for child, mother and society. With Choice for Women's implants, this is a thing of the past. With the Gerard and Anton Award, the jury wants to give a stage to this invention and this company, so that you too can face the next part of this adventure full of energy and enthusiasm.

Orange NXT

From meal delivery, scale management to asphalt damage detection. Everything is going digital and connected via the Internet. And companies need to keep up. It's what customers expect of them and what efficient operations demand of them. And that digital transformation of companies is Orange NXT's field of work. They are developing the office of the future in your pocket. The jury is convinced that smart connections between people, devices and data is an unstoppable trend. But there is no one size fits all, and it is precisely with its customer-oriented approach that Orange NXT distinguishes itself from the market. This is reflected in its growth, which is doubling annually. Or in the words of the Barbapapa & managing director, Huub van der linden, "We are an ICT company, but different."

Tech 2B

257 companies and 534 active users already know their way to this platform for the manufacturing industry. Faster, better, cheaper your way to the right professionals and companies that can help you further. A not insignificant advantage in today's economy. It is no longer about who is the cheapest, it is about who is the smartest. And smart is what you are together! The success of Brainport Eindhoven is the success that comes from creating collaborations. Initiatives that contribute to this can therefore count on the support of the jury.

True Sim

It has been shown that 80% of unnecessary deaths are related to a lack of competency of medical personnel. This can easily be prevented by more frequent and better training. But how? With TrueSim, medical personnel have the feeling of standing in front of a real patient. It is virtual, but lifelike. Acute symptoms can be recognized and threats are as they present themselves in reality. Successful innovations, according to the jury, meet the paradox of doing more with less. In the case of True Sim, this is entirely true. Higher learning efficiency and quality at lower cost. And then also better suited to the professional practice in which trainees can train more often, more flexibly and for shorter moments independently and location-independent instead of being absent for a day or part of a day.

The event was made possible by High Tech Campus Eindhoven, Brainport Development, V.O. Patents & Trademarks, Kadans Science Partner, EY, Philips Netherlands and the Municipality of Eindhoven.