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Kickoff of BrainBloc initiative on 27-08

Last Thursday 27-08 it was finally time: the kickoff of our BrainBloc initiative! At a beautiful location on the TU/e campus a select group gathered to give BrainBloC a good start. Together with the EcoSystem Thinking Institute, Twice is trying to work on a new ecosystem around this theme.

We look back on a fun and successful day! Thank you to all participants Design Academy, TU/e, Fontys, Municipality of Eindhoven, Brainport Development, Gimix, 2bSmart, Weconomics Foundation, LCB, Duthler Associates, Bistroo, Unlocqed, Smart Music, 3Masters, Vaulut, Chaintip, WolfpackIt, Municipality of Helmond and of course ESTI for your presence, openness and willingness to work together on this initiative!

TWICE launched a new initiative on the TU/e Campus early this year: BrainBloC. Here we focus on the trinity of IOT, Blockchain and AI (collectively the "digital assembly line"). We want to work from a consortium on the broad adoption of these disruptive technologies, focusing on "thinking and doing differently," with data (technology) being the starting point for new business processes and organizational models. Where other initiatives are often focused on development (high costs and a high failure factor), we want to create an accessible environment to get acquainted with new (general-purpose) data technologies (sensoring, blockchain, ai) and to discover how and with which ones you would like to proceed. So basically a kind of data intake within this region. So first think about a good foundation, "data organizing" and what "rich data" is and means, and then work towards a proper implementation. Data technologies are interesting for everyone and everyone can get started!

With BrainBloC, we want to create an ecosystem, focusing on:

  • Training a new generation of digital leaders (through an apprenticeship program for both students and employees);
  • An external (SME) innovation department, where digitization issues can be worked out with a very low-threshold approach;
  • A home base for various companies/projects, for which one entire floor in Twinning on the TU/e Campus has been made available under very favorable conditions;
  • A data simulation lab, because data is an "abstract" concept and we want to take students/employees through what data technology is and how to use it concretely in practice;
  • And, we would like to become a formal Dutch Blockchain Coalition hub, as this will allow us to engage a broad network for innovative tasks

Are you interested in contributing to this initiative, or establishing yourself here? Then get in touch, we'd love to help!

You can see the aftermovie of the successful kickoff on our social pages.