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TU/e startup Lusoco in race for awards

Who can call themselves the best academic start-up in the Netherlands in 2020? Four promising, young companies started from the TU in Eindhoven are competing. Including Lusoco, based in Twice hub Catalyst.

The competition is a joint initiative of the Association of Universities and Techleap, the organization of 'start-up prince' Constantijn, among others. The aim is to raise the profile of pioneering innovations and give them access to a large (inter)national network of entrepreneurs and researchers. Winners will be selected in November.

TU/e is well represented in the field of participants. Of the 20 finalists, Goal 3, Lusoco, NC Biomatrix and Taylor have their breeding grounds on the Eindhoven campus.

Goal 3 is working on a monitoring system that uses algorithms in part to automatically detect diseases at an early stage. It can be used against child mortality in developing countries. Goal 3 has nine employees. Co-founder Jelle Schuitemaker (25): ,,The African market has different requirements than the West. Every system must be battery-operated, at least half the price and easier to use. We are now mainly looking for technical partners for existing product components, such as sensors."

Start-up Lusoco of former TU/e PhD students Jeroen ter Schiphorst and Teun Wagenaar produces special glass that stores energy during the day and emits light at night. To do so, the company has developed a printing technology that uses fluorescent dyes that absorb sunlight and store it in solar cells on the side of the glass. The result is not only a highly visible print but the glass can actually extract energy.


NC Biomatrix is working on a biomaterial gel to repair wear and tear on the intervertebral discs in the lower back. The gel is injected directly into the intervertebral disc. This is less stressful than surgery. The Brabants Startup Fund has already invested 350,000 euros in it.

Taylor works hard to make solar panels and cells more efficient and reliable. It develops and supplies solar microelectronics that make solar panels more efficient and maintenance-resistant. It supplies the products directly to solar panel manufacturers for integration into the solar panel module.