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Pilot helps startups attract staff from abroad


The cabinet is launching a pilot in the form of a residency scheme that will make it easier for innovative startups to attract staff with sought-after expertise from abroad. As a growing company, it is very important for startups to attract personnel with the right often technical knowledge. The demand for such personnel is high worldwide, but supply is scarce. This new pilot, will start on June 1. So writes Minister Koolmees of Social Affairs and Employment, also on behalf of State Secretary Keijzer of Economic Affairs and Climate and State Secretary Broekers-Knol of Justice and Security in a letter to the Lower House today.


Starting and growing an innovative business is often complex, risky and costly. Moreover, in the startup phase, turnover is still limited. To attract top talent, it is common for startups to supplement a lower salary with, for example, shares. Staff thus share in the company's success and risk. The new residency regulation is in line with this practice through a reduced salary criterion, supplemented by a so-called mandatory employee participation such as shares. Thus, startups are better able to attract and retain staff, which is essential for the company's growth, from abroad. 

Knowledge Migrant Scheme

For attracting specialist international staff, the knowledge migrant scheme has existed since 2004. This scheme works well for most, especially larger companies, but does not fit well with the common way of remuneration by startups in the growth phase. Because of the combination of a lower salary supplemented with a share in the company, startups often do not meet the salary requirement of the highly skilled migrant program. With this new pilot, startups in the initial phase can also attract essential personnel. The pilot will run for four years and will be evaluated in the interim.