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BrainBloC lab officially opened!

April 12, 2022 opening BrainbloC Lab

Yesterday, the BrainBloC lab at Twinning was festively opened by Rob van Gijzel (chairman of the Dutch Blockchain Coalition and former mayor of Eindhoven). Laying lego blocks with the letters "Welcome to the BrainBloclab" officially opened the lab.

The program also included speeches by Marc Kuipers (Twice) and Paul Bessems (Weconomics). Then there were pitches from Bistroo, Fair Squares, Tradetomato, Unlocqed, Dutch Data Busters and Chain Force on the second floor in the Twinning building on the TU/e Campus.

There was also a data market with participants VanL, Visionairy, Pay Accept, Lightdrop, Smartys, Bistroo, Unlocqed, Tradetomato WolfpackIT, Weconomics, LCB/Dali and CodeNext 21. A good turnout and of course the drinks were not missing either...The BrainBloc lab itself was also open to visitors. Thanks to everyone for this successful day!