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How blockchain is making the plastics sector sustainable

That blockchain is relevant in every sector was demonstrated recently. Dutch startup Circularise received €1.5 million from the European Commission through Horizon 2020 with its initiative. Circularise "tracks" plastics throughout the entire cycle from "resin" to "finished product. This allows brands that incorporate plastics into their products to trace their origin and determine their environmental impact. Data that is also crucial to the recycling process. 

Privacy central

Circularise is building a blockchain protocol for data exchange that focuses on privacy and protecting data. This is precisely what makes collaboration between large companies possible. A smart strategy, because transparency often keeps companies from collaborating.

Mercury: yes/no?

Circularise's solution includes the Smart Questioning technology, which can verify whether a product contains mercury or another material. With a simple yes/no answer, that question checks the entire supply chain. Plastics are linked to the blockchain using various types of identifiers, such as QR codes, RFIDs, NFC, chemical tracers and DNA.

Encouraging recycling

Other examples of blockchain applications for plastics recycling include BASF and its reciChain pilot. While Circularise and reciChain go deeper into the plastics manufacturing process, other blockchain solutions focus more on the first stage of the recycling process. Dell and subsidiary VMware, for example, are exploring recycling packaging materials. And SC Johnson and Plastic Bank are exploring blockchain to encourage consumer plastic recycling. IOTA has a similar initiative.

Traceability plastic

We are seeing increasing funding for sustainable use innovations - in this case, the use of Blockchain to support the traceability of plastic throughout its life cycle. A development that fits seamlessly with the mission of Twice-based companies Ioniqa and Tusti. And to our recently launched BrainBloC learning program in partnership with Weconomics that helps companies accelerate the digitization of their business processes.