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Packs Packaging new in hub Alpha

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PAKT is a new tenant in our hub Alpha, recycling glass and thus pushing for a circular economy!

Herewith an introduction to Pakt Packaging.

As the Netherlands, our ambition is to be fully circular by 2050. That is what we want to contribute to with PAKT!

In the Netherlands, we are true logistics champions. We have become incredibly good at getting products from A to B as quickly and efficiently (read cheaply) as possible. To protect products and simplify logistics, we use packaging. Lots of packaging. Single-use packaging. According to Milieu Centraal, the average Dutch person opens 7 of them every day!

What we are not (yet) good at, however, is how we then get that packaging back from B to A; in other words, how we turn this linear economy into a circular one. With PAKT, we want to fill this gap. We want to facilitate return logistics for packaging, starting with glass.

Glass is in fact an incredibly suitable packaging within a circular economy. It is odorless, colorless, and tasteless and infinitely recyclable. However, there are two problems:
1) Glass packaging is currently unnecessarily destroyed in the bottle bank after a single use. This costs a lot of energy and causes high CO2 emissions.
2) 24% of glass currently still ends up in residual waste (Milieu Centraal).

With PAKT, we are developing a new logistics model that will make all glass packaging reusable in the future and increase collection rates. A reusable glass container emits significantly less CO2 than a single-use one. By using the latest techniques in Artificial Intelligence and robotics, we then make reusable glass packaging economically competitive as well. 

We have now completed our first pilot in cooperation with the Sustainable Packaging Knowledge Institute (KIDV). A second pilot, called project CLEAN, is in the works. More on that later!

Any questions or interest? Get in touch!

If, like Pakt, you are interested in an inspiring workplace in Alpha, take a look at our website: or contact Jesper Beerens of Twice:, 06-15 28 41 34.